6 Word Ponder

I am here, where am I?

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Todd Trapani on Pexels.com

Such a simple statement, leading to a question who’s answer may hold much complexity.

Even the declaration of being here poses examination for me to consider.

You see, I am not confident in knowing here, one foot in the past, breath in the present, thought towards the future.

I feel omnipresent at times, hardly feeling comfortable in any one place or time. You might find that disturbing, and may question my mental health. Perhaps you attribute it to being one who writes, and that my imagination has begun to dominate my life.

Like with so many experiences such as paranormal, religion, spiritual, etc. We easily justify what we are uncomfortable with using the reality we spend most of our time in.

Honestly I couldn’t convince you in any one of the disciplines I casually mention above if my life depended on it. I am merely mentioning a feeling I have, trying to articulate it the best I am capable of so you might determine for yourself my status. No different than if we discussed one of my dreams.

Not that your determination of my being mentally sound or not will have any bearing on my feeling, only that you might see another point of view for consideration. A share, a window into a thought, not much different than the stories we spin, other than its seating in my life.

Do what you may with the six words while I try to understand the “You are here” dot with the legacy song “A Whiter Shade of Pale” faintly playing in my mind.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.