Dark Skies
Shadow Soul
August first brings focus to the solitude imposed.
My phone contains a cornucopia of contacts saturated in their lives without the time to pay mine more than a line of text response, if any.
I take a break from work to step outside, where I have always felt welcomed and loved.
As I drink in the lush greens and forboding greys, I mentally run my mind down the list of things I’m processing to make others feel special.
When a pinch of realization adds to the already overcast weight upon me, it’s been a minute since I’ve been on the receiving end of that ordeal.
Typically, it is of little matter to me, but today, it compounds a hypersensitive feeling of low value.
We all have our rainy days. So I look to the sky for clearing as I listen to the birds serenade.
A song to lift any soul in need.