Doubt Dogs Me
As if I’m smart enough to listen.

Always at my ear
Attempting to plant fear
Hoping to draw tear
At some point, for better or worse, we decide we have invested more of our soul than we are willing to give up on.
Not so much an unshakeable belief in our-self, but a matter of tenacity, a line in the sand if you will.
We look around us seeing the known insurmountable hurdles, along with the disbelievers and decide to flip them off and follow up with a kindly “Get bent”.
Childish?, perhaps but it feels so damn good for a brief moment.
There is no hard and fast rule that we will fail, is the playing field slanted against us?, damn straight Skippy. Again, there is no guarantee we will fail.
So you have to ask yourself, am I willing to go the mile?
Before you answer, think, think hard, consider what you are not willing to give up. The absolute only thing or few things you must retain.
Now visualize your end game with those same must haves there to congratulate you.
I couldn’t tell you the “How To”, the “When”, or “If you have what it takes” part of getting there.
All I can convey is that I will be there waiting to share in the afterglow.
Now quit reading the ramblings of a want-a-be and GET TO IT!.