Gobble Gab

2 min readNov 4, 2021
Photo: Mohon Nannapaneni Pexels.com

It always troubled me to have the commerce force of Turkey and Christmas tree thrust upon me before Halloweens candy was comfortable atop the store shelves.

While you might think it is resistant to season change it has far more gravity as it prompts two areas that haunt me.

First the reminder of who I lost this year and prior for oddly while I cherish Fall it is our families time of death, or so it was in past, for now, our new leafs mature.

Second for me personally Christmas brings the double edge of joy with depression. Crazy as it seems I have days of tears both out of happiness and sadness.

Most importantly around the time of all saints, I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude which pushes me through to the new year. You see I am blessed!

We all have burdens private and public but each year as the crisp nears I become supercharged over my survival and good fortune. When you begin to examine life costs to each of us how can you sidestep the amazing we are presented with?

Before letting the turkey preparation and gift seeking consume you please join me even for only a moment.

In the beauty of life and giving Thanks in witnessing it.

Thank You and God Bless.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.