Have you ever been haunted by a song?
Message Gateway

2 min readFeb 25, 2022
Nothing Ahead

NO, I am not referring to the nightmare of having Disney’s ‘It’s a small World’ bounce around your brain for two weeks post visit.

Nor the hook of a song stuck for hours in your thought after you listened to it.

I am speaking of the spontaneous arrival of a song, typically an old song, one sometimes outside the music genre you typically listen to.

A song which keeps playing in your head as if to send you a message.

My first encounter was not more than two years ago, Sam Cooke’s version of ‘A Change is Gonna Come’. The haunt began a week before my mothers death, lasting a week after.

I was so focused on the content of the song I never understood it’s message until well after it was too late.

The next was Blue Christmas done by Elvis Presley, one week before Christmas. This one was a little easier for me as my mom loved the king, and it was our first Christmas without her.

While I wasn’t totally clear on the message, I was sure she was saying hello.

Last night around 8:40 PM CST, Nicole Nordeman version of ‘Holy’ rolled in and hasn’t stopped.

I have it playing on YouTube as I type, what the heck, better quality than mental replay.

Odd how a song can bring forth tears, and a feeling like mile twenty one of a marathon. Hard to explain other than complete loss of control over emotion.

As if the emotional turmoil wasn’t enough, I don’t know what the message is, and if it is directed at me or our worlds situation, maybe both.

All that aside for the moment, I ask again.

Have you ever been haunted by a song?




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.