June 11th


2 min readJun 11, 2024
Ольга Солодилова

You needn’t read my words for me to reside within you. Love takes residence along many trails.

Nor physically hold my hand or press your lips gently against mine. My touch and taste are vibrant across the Ethernet.

I go only where I am called and welcomed with open arms. I give that for which you crave. My light and love are persistent in pamper.

I am a servant, muse, catalyst, and mend. Until your suffering is but a distant memory.

Fill your vessel and surround you with warmth and protection. A part of you until you are confident to live once more.

You think of me in everything you see, feeling me in the aroma and textile of nature. I am elemental and universal.

I’m but a wisp of smoke, a flower’s fragrance.
A child’s giggle, and a summer breeze.

You breathe me in deeply, for I am your nourishment. Without a second thought, you consume and merge with me.

Slightly fearful, hesitantly grateful, our hearts beat as one while you hold me near. Devour my warmth and joy without question.

Until the smoke clears, the fragrance fades, the giggles pause, and the air stills. Do you wonder if I am imagination or flesh and blood?

You ponder if I will return and if you have valued this encounter properly. Unsure if it was real and how or why it transpired.

If you should dare murmur my name in calling.
Are you brave enough to find out, curious to truly know.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.