June 12th
Earth Angel
The subtitle alone will be enough for many of you to scroll by. I understand.
After all, most people truly only believe in what their primary senses support. I mean no disrespect. I know the majority of you have spiritual belief systems in place.
But when push comes to shove in this earthly life. Or you are faced with something possibly deemed as supernatural or unexplainable. Most of you will retreat to the safe confines of logic only.
Few remain steadfast in their belief system no matter what hardships they face. I must offer that some fail to understand or accept unconditional Love. The baseline for Earth Angels. Even though most, if not all, are willing to admit their belief in Love itself.
I am not holding you in judgment. I understand many of you have experienced the worst humans have to offer. Some of you might justify that the existence of a super-being would never allow such things to transpire here on Earth. You have a perfectly sound argument but perhaps limited in perspective. Should you consider this being’s abilities and its plan for humans.
I can appreciate your failure to believe in anything other than yourself. I can see your necessity to retain some semblance of control by depreciating what you might experience in the presence of an Earth Angel.
Like so many things here on Earth. The lack of understanding, personal perspective, or experience. Doesn’t quantify the existence, or lack of the same, when we look into mythical or Crypto-zoological creatures.
Dare I mention the stigma of mental health that is also associated with some who believe in things most consider outside the norm? We impose our rationale early on with our children as they share their “imaginary” friends with us.
If you have read me before, you know I have a “different” way of looking at things for better or worse. This subject matter is no different, so I ask you to view things perhaps 180 degrees out.
My request does not challenge your belief, or lack of the same, in Earth Angels. But for just a moment, if you could find it in your heart to imagine the existence of this creature in human form.
Can you imagine the emotional turmoil an Earth Angel might experience in dealing with the denial of its existence? Or the frustration of trying to help when their efforts are refused, in one form or another?