June 23rd


2 min readJun 23, 2024

Raised Roman Catholic, I was always under the belief both Heaven and Hell existed somewhere else.

I have long since fallen away from the hypocrisy in aspects of man’s religion. To look closer at the spiritual underpinning of Christianity.

I still believe Jesus Christ walked the earth, but understand I, as well as the masses, may not know the true story of his time here. I have opened my mind further to what “GOD” may be.

I have also come to terms with the thought that Heaven and Hell exist right here on earth. I don’t dispute they may have space somewhere else, only that I seem to find evidence of both in my daily life.

As we search for physical proof of our beliefs, I wonder if my realization of these things is the super-being saying look no further. Or if I am merely making my way out of a heavy fog.

I wonder what my reach of responsibility in the human world is and if I have the authority to look away when some refuse to help themselves. I, like you, have superiors to answer to.

There lies the dilemma.

Act on what is righteous versus what you might hear as a little voice in your head. I am only speaking for my evaluation of doing the right thing in opposition to what I might want to do.

There is no judgment on my part. I am also uncertain.

The celestial chain does not remove this uncertainty because free will reigns down on all of us.

Life is certainly interesting as we try to navigate the complexities of it.

Thanks for listening.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.