June 25th

One Baby Step Forward

2 min readJun 25, 2024

I’ve almost survived my birthday month, naivety, stupidity, selfishness, and optimism. Of course, there is not much I can do about the first in line, but positions two, three, and four will be getting scrutinized.

I dread addressing number five because it seems like an attack on hope. I don’t know about you, but I need a sizable dose of it to traverse the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I am blessed, and life is good! I have no business complaining about any part of it.

LOL, but we both know that won’t prevent me from whining because we want what we want. This month, I’ve decided on a new flavor instead of a complaint.

I’m going with a pedal to the floor, all out, go big or go home attitude. I’m dragging any poor soul within proximity along for the ride.

Forget listening to folks who cautiously warn sternly, “You can’t do that.” Or “Oh, that’s not going to happen,” OR “Don’t you think you should have grabbed for that brass ring earlier.”

I am not telling anyone they should dive head first without planning and having a fallback. But I am encouraging you to pursue it, as it is never too late.

Only you can prevent yourself from reaching your dream by never trying. Dreamers don’t need any further discouragement, we need believers.

The world is ripe with disbelief and we are doing our best to try to change that.

Thanks for stopping in.
Have a good one.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.