Love’s Confession


Teddy Yang

If I told you I loved you, would you think me a child.

Our worlds so distant, spanning great divide.

Would you spare me the pain now, in place of later.

Knowing I would be toy, and no more to you.

Could I convince you, dreams can be real.

Your heart I would safeguard, and surely steal.

Would you chance vision, through my eyes.

Resting your weary view, in place of rose new.

There is no easy answer, or relief of yearnings pain.

I refuse the thought of failure, for loves cast to remain.

If you’ve ever wondered, does real love exist.

Am I deserving, can this love persist.

I make no promise of tomorrow, today or yesterday.

Only that my love for you, will never fade away.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.