May 16th

2 min readMay 16, 2024

I believe it takes a different kind of person to appreciate and love something wild without any intention of changing it.

To be capable of Loving the wildness within for its being and beauty.

While still nurturing it even when it bites the hand which feeds it.

It is not my compassion that makes me capable of doing so. I suspect the truth is more mundane and a need on my part. To be partnered with an equal who knows the value of freedom in love and life.

Someone who can love enough to allow that freedom. Does this make any sense to you? I should clarify this is not a matter of fidelity but of allowing the person to be true to themself without overburdening or requiring sacrifice. Even the wild, love sincerely and are trustworthy.

You must know this requires the soft touch of loosely holding onto that spirit. You may be watching the joy of another running in the sunlight without you in parallel. So it is not for the faint of heart or if you are insecure.

But it is a thing of beauty nonetheless.

On the rarest occasions, two like beings of this nature partner contently. They show the rest of us what grace in motion looks like. They are capable of great things individually and in unison.

Making you question if love is without limits.

Love the wild, there is little need or sense in taming it.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.