
Oct 14th
2 min readOct 14, 2024
Heber Vazquez


There are times when inhaling is overwhelming in effort.

These mornings, after a long sleepless night of battling fear and insecurity, where you must face flight and choose to fight in a last stand to remain viable in this chance we call life.

You are clinging to the thinnest of threads still wound within your being. Hoping you will know the love you have searched lifetimes over to find.

Looking in the mirror, praying the reflection will urge you on for one more breath through risk, and feeling the fool of life’s three-ring circus when even that image wears fright upon its brow.

You do your best to swallow the lump lodged in the throat of hope. Staying back tears of anguish, you reach for your last mask of bravery to wear this new day. While longing to hear those three magic words cross her lips, as you’ve imagined them in endless night dreams.

This month of demons and angels, the Halloween veil grows thinner. You consider what price you shall pay, the currency of crimson and soul. To secure her love in life and afterward, once the bill collector calls.

You must have her beside you in life and death if you are to continue to fulfill your destiny. To know the bliss of happiness you’ve known only in stories read.

So begins the insanity love can spawn, for the heart wants what the heart wants. No matter the cost or taboo shattered to quench the lust beating through its chambers.

To have her body beside you, in warmth or lifeless in the onset of rigor mortis of her vessel and your delirium.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.