Rosebud & Moonbeam
Sept 18th
Even at rest in her dreams.
She pulls at my heartstrings.
Commitments concerto in E minor.
The faint smell of rose fills the air.
While the moonlight shafts pierce my chest,
and She threads me tightly to her soul.
Angelic and childlike her spirit.
The heavens grant me her company on loan.
The music crescendo massages my heart.
I bask in her light, this midnight passing.
The gentle rustle of her wings feathers,
Tease my will and breathing.
Till one lost in affection,
the other held in pause.
Awaiting my heartbeat held captive,
by the beauty lain before me.
I search in humility for a reason,
her attention I have gained.
Hoping the night to be eternal,
I brush the hair from her forehead.
So that my gentle kiss of gratitude wonders,
might find a home to rest.
For I feel neither worthy
nor capable of finding the words.
To describe the breath of this love I harbor,
A mere mortal in the presence of heavens best.