Something Different
You might enjoy
1 min readFeb 28, 2022
Alicia Zinn

Loving old movies, oops another bit of information slip.

I was thinking of a somewhat dark comedy I truly love, well not so dark as interesting.

Yes I am happy to report I have been given a break from the song which was stuck in my brain.

The original Topper film will require a ticket on the way back machine, Circa 1937.

Starring Constance Bennett, Cary Grant and featuring Roland Young.

The story of a stuffy man who is haunted by the ghosts of a fun-loving married couple.

This is hardly Gone with the Wind, or Duck Soup for that matter.

What it is, a clever observation on humans from an unusual perspective.

I think you might like it as you may see someone you know in it.
Personally I like on many levels even in its simplicity.

Certainly nothing wrong with a little smile in such serious times.

Take it for a spin, enjoy it for what it is.

Have a nice day.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.