
And Tenacity.
2 min readJun 14, 2023
Massimo Botturi

The calm of sleep deprivation engulfs me this day.

The world of I.T. rocks for the most part, but when things are bad, they can be way bad. Similar to any good movie, with global catastrophic events. The people working in the server room get to play the part of the M.C., who knows what is coming well before the end users turn red.

We all have become acclimated to technology in our daily routine, personal or work-related. We EXPECT it to be available, and always good. Spoiler alert, stuff breaks, and often inside that server room, it gets nuts. But for the most part, the administrators and techs manage to pull a rabbit out of their … just in time. Typically you never know it.

Then we have weeks where the perfect storm gathers clouds as the day marches on. Add to the mix, Microsoft monthly update week, and you are one cry away from the people in the room taking a plastic butter knife to their wrist.

Being tired tends to valve big emotional outbursts while the rack of equipment ignores you even if you threaten its life. So you sit in your chair waiting for the big boom instead.

Then take a deep breath and begin researching again, hearing the tick, tick, tick of the doomsday clock.

This time I decided to try something new. I’ve digested as much as possible yesterday and today in troubleshooting. I have made some progress, but the big dark clouds persist. It still feels like Monday to me.

I’m going home to forget about it as best as I can until the morning when round two begins. Let’s all cross our fingers that my cell phone doesn’t explode with text or calls until then.

I’m thinking of a forested area, the ocean waves, and maybe bouncing away and changing my name, before work notices the runaway train breaking through the burning building.


That’s a take.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.