Time marches on.

a magnificent moment.

1 min readMar 25, 2023
Authors Own

Spring is in my thoughts while snow blankets my yard.

March’s sense of humor is on display, I suspect.

She is anything but predictable here in the Midwest.

I like a woman with a sense of humor and the will to do as she wishes.

Admittedly I was looking forward to summer, but mother nature has other plans.

Perhaps both believe I have not given them the attention they deserved.

I have been focussing on new beginnings, locations, and ways of being heard.

I wonder, are these women of my life asking me to look outward instead of dwelling on my own desires?

Maybe they are asking to be a larger part of my thoughts.

I could be missing the point. I confess to being clueless when women’s thoughts are subject.

Maybe March is asking me to observe and enjoy life in real-time.

Yes, I believe that is it.

Quit hanging on to what will be or what was.

Eyes wide opened and appreciate all before you in its splendor.

Yeah, that March is a kick.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.